Contraception and Birth Control
Family planning is very important for women to have as many children as they want at the time they want. Different birth control methods make family planning possible. However, methods of contraception vary from person to person. Your lifestyle, frequency of intercourse and expectations determine the best way for you.
Types of Contraceptives

Natural Protection (Fertility Awareness)
Methods such as the man pulling out before ejaculation, or following the woman’s menstrual cycle calendar are commonly preferred methods in society. However, these methods are not recommended by our clinic as they are generally the most risky method of contraception in terms of protection percentage. In addition, withdrawal is not a method we recommend in our clinic because it does not protect against STDs.

Barrier Methods of Birth Control
It is a contraceptive method that we recommend to women who do not need an IUD because they do not have frequent sexual intercourse. Condoms are the second most recommended method because they also prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Latex-free condoms are also available for people with latex allergies. Although not widely known in our country, diaphragms -a circle of silicone inserted into the vagina before sex- are also sold as a barrier protection method for women.

Intrauterine Device (IUD)
Intrauterine devices are divided into two types: hormonal and non-hormonal. In our clinic, we recommend non-hormonal methods to our patients more; and among them, we can use three different types of non-hormonal IUDs according to the patient’s well-being and needs.
Copper IUDs
Copper IUDs provide very good protection for women who want to evaluate economic alternatives.
Golden IUDs
Due to its antibacterial effect, we recommend it to our patients with frequent discharge and infection.
GyneFix IUDs
The new generation of smart IUDs are the most preferred products because they minimize the risk of slipping and bleeding after insertion.
Depending on the type, IUDs have a lifespan of five to ten years. It is important to note that as soon as you decide to have a child, we can easily remove your intrauterine devices in our clinic and you can start planning your pregnancy immediately.
This contraception method is the most recommended in our clinic as it offers both the longest-lasting and safest solution.
Contact Op. Dr. Duygu Mutlu.
Contact us to discuss your family planning with a doctor and determine together the safest contraception method for your health.

Hormonal Birth Control Methods
When we approach women’s health with the principles of functional medicine, we aim to avoid different side effects when applying contraceptive methods. For this reason, although some women prefer methods such as oral contraceptive pills, monthly/quarterly injections, and subcutaneous implants, we do not recommend and prefer these methods that change the hormone balance in your body.

Tubal Ligation and Vasectomy
It is suitable for people who are no longer planning to have children, over a certain age or who are advised not to become pregnant due to special health problems. However, psychologically, it is very important that the decision is firm and that there will be no regrets. Tubal ligation for women is the cutting, partial or complete removal of the ovarian tubes. Open or minimally invasive surgery may be preferred. The risk of complications is very low, it does not induce menopause, but it is a very difficult operation to reverse. In men, it is possible to tie or cut the sperm-carrying ducts by vasectomy. This procedure similarly requires psychological commitment because vasectomy is an irreversible operation.